Who is a Good Candidate For Hair Transplant?

Nov 06, 2016 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Candidate for Hair Transplant

Hair transplant is a cosmetic procedure and in general any one can undergo this procedure, but there are certain factors which one should follow as a criterion so that the desired result is achieved.

  1. The patient should have healthy scalp and should not be having other chronic medical problem like diabetes, hypertension etc., as these conditions may aggravate the chances of bleeding during the procedure and infection.
  2. Hair loss is due to androgenic alopecia and the hair loss is giving not so good appearance to the patient.
  3. Hair loss secondary to burns or trauma.
  4. Lack of facial hair or loss of eyebrow.
  5. Scarring in hair bearing areas from trauma or surgery.
  6. Patient has already tried medicines and they are not giving benefit to the patient.
  7. Patient should have adequate donor grafts because the result also depends on the severity of hair loss as well as the availability of the donor. Like in Norwood 7 grade the availability of the donor is questionable.
  8. Patient should have good and healthy life style as it may contribute to the success of the procedure. One should be eating healthy and balanced diet should take adequate fluids to keep one self-healthy, should take good sleep as these habits improve the overall immunity of the person.

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