Does hair fibers help with hair thinning?

Oct 31, 2019 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Doctor in Delhi, NCR, India)

Firstly, we should know what are hair fibers. These are keratin based protein fibres which are produced to tackle hair thinning. Based on the composition they can be keratin based, cotton based or real hair based. These hair fibres stick to the existing hairs and hence provide fuller look to the head. This should be kept in mind that there should be existing hairs for the fibers to stick so this can be used in thinning but not in baldness. These are camouflaging agents or concealers and not a treatment for hair loss or baldness. These should be chosen wisely and one should not pick any concealer. One should opt for fibres which are not completely synthetic and it should be chosen according to the hair colour.

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