Hair Transplant Blogs

Hair Transplant Surgery

Why does some hair transplant fail?

July 14, 2024 | By : Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Hair transplant surgery is a procedure which has helped people to regain not just the hairs but also the lost confidence. This treatment has proved to be a very reliable and permanent solution for hair loss.

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Hair Transplant Surgery

Top Factors That Affect The Results Of Hair Transplant Surgery In Delhi

July 29, 2023 | By : Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Everyone who desire to have a head full of healthy looking natural hairs always keep looking for some home made remedy or cosmetic procedures, if suffering from excessive hair loss.

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Hair Transplant Surgery

Importance Of Diagnosis Before Hair Transplant Surgery

July 24, 2023 | By : Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Hair loss varies from person to person and depends upon many key factors. Hair transplant is a minimal invasive surgical method that includes restoration of hairs using hair grafts from the donor area. There are many other treatments available in the market that claims 100% hair regrowth but hair transplant

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FUE Beard Transplant

Present Hair Transplant Techniques

June 26, 2023 | By : Ms. Divyanshi Singh

Since the past few decades, the field of hair restoration has seen significant changes and advancements. In this era of technology, where almost everything has become feasible, hair transplant surgeries have also reaped the benefits.

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FUE Beard Transplant

Pros and Cons Of FUE Beard Transplant

May 09, 2023 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

For some mean having a fuller beard is a sign of masculine beauty. However, growing a full facial beard might be an impossible task for some to achieve.

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Body Hair Transplant

Body Hair Transplant: option when scalp donor is weak

May 08, 2023 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Hair loss has always been a matter of concern for both men and women as this affects the aesthetics as well as the psychological aspect of the individual.

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hair transplant

Lifestyle changes needed for optimum hair transplant

April 07 2023 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Hair transplant surgery is one of the most effective treatments available for patients experiencing hair thinning or hair loss. With the advancement of technology, hair transplant surgeries nowadays are painless and permanent.

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hair transplant

Hair transplant infection: Everything you need to know

Sept 27 2022 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Every surgical procedure has a risk of having infection but there are certain ways to prevent it and have proper results with minimum problems. Hair transplant although it is an out patient or procedural room surgery but still it carries a good amount of risk of having infection unless one goes to a professional,

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hair transplant

A guide to hair transplant after 50 years of age

Aug 25 2022 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Hair loss or baldness some may consider it normal after a certain age but some may adapt and becomes comfortable with the appearance. But now a days this is not so because no age is considered old for getting a hair transplant done

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hair transplant

Types of FUE

Aug 06 2021 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Follicular unit extraction (FUE) is a very successful, convenient, and advanced technique to get your lost hair back or fill up bald spots on your scalp. It is a modern and minimally invasive procedure with a quick recovery time. FUE involves taking individual follicles from the scalp or other parts of the body like the chest or the back and moving them to parts of the body like the scalp or beard area to fill up bald or thinning spots.

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hair transplant

Is the risk of infection higher with hair transplant in summer?

July 17 2021 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Modern hair transplants techniques are safe and minimally invasive. The risks and complications associated with it are very low. However, since hair transplant is a cosmetic surgery and has an impact on how people look, if something goes wrong, it can have a massive psychological impact on the patient.

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hair transplant

Getting hair transplant surgery during Covid

Jan 04 2021 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

The Covid -19 pandemic has not just upended every aspect of our lives but also led to disruption in health services. As people are hunkered down in their homes waiting for the pandemic to end, a lot of treatments and procedures that were considered “non-essential” could not proceed causing additional anxiety to people who need them. Hair transplants are one such procedure.

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hair transplant

Travelling after a hair transplant procedure

Dec 30 2020 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

You may have heard that modern hair transplant procedures are quick, easy, and the recovery time is fast. Well, it is all true. Patients travel across the country or even across the world for hair transplant procedures, and some even travel back within two to three days. It is possible.

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hair transplant

What should I look for in a hair transplant surgeon?

Dec 18 2020 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

There have been numerous advancements in hair transplant surgery techniques in the last two decades. Hair transplant surgeries are now minimally invasive, and deliver the most natural-looking

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hair transplant

Alcohol and hair transplant

Sept 01 2020 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Hair transplant is a procedure meant to enhance the aesthetic profile of the patient and nobody will want that there is suboptimal result. So, it is very important that one should strictly follow the pre-operative and post-operative instructions because the result depends on both,

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hair transplant

Are probiotics good for your hair?

May 27 2020 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Did you know that drinking a glass of traditional buttermilk could actually help you have healthy hair? Buttermilk is rich in probiotics or good bacteria, which are said to be great for your hair, skin, and your overall health in general.

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hair transplant

What your hair can tell about your health

April 11 2020 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Our body is a sum of its different parts. Although the different parts are seemingly autonomous, yet they function in unison. And our body has its own ways of signalling. A problem with one part can be a sign of a deeper issue. But can we read those signs?

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hair transplant

Handling mega session hair transplant

March 23 2020 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

‘Mega Session’ is often used in the hair transplant lingo. But patients are not always aware of what the mega session is all about and whether they are good candidates for it. To begin with, what is a mega session? Why is it required? What does it take to sit through a mega session? How do you handle it? These and many more questions need lucid answers. Let us detail them for you.

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hair transplant

Understanding the rise in popularity of beard transplants

March 19 2020 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

A cursory look at the Indian cricket team is enough to tell you that sporting a beard is trendy. Almost all of them experiment with their beards. From Short Boxed to a Balbo beard. From a 3-days stubble to a Mutton Chops beard. Or it could be a Chin Strap Style to a Gunslinger Beard and moustache. And that is not all, styles range from a Royale beard to a Horseshoe moustache. From a Van Dyke Beard to a Petite Goatee.

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hair transplant

Hair transplant or medication: which is better for me?

March 09 2020 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

It is easy to say that we know what is good for us. However, there are times when we all need expert opinion. Had that not been the case, why would professions such as counsellors, lawyers, or doctors exist?

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hair transplant

Every hair transplant is different, here's why

March 02 2020 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

If you are suffering hair loss, it is highly likely that you have heard of hair transplants. You would have also heard that hair transplants have not just become more effective but more sophisticated compared to what they used to be, all thanks to the advancements in modern medicine.

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hair transplant

Getting a hair transplant in summer

Feb 13 2020 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Deciding the why, what, when, and how of hair transplant is not easy, it is after all a life-changing decision which can have a significant impact on your appearance. And frankly you cannot take that decision alone, you have to do it in consultation with an expert.

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hair transplant

The balding conundrum: How can men deal with it

Feb 10 2020 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

In India, a great way to impart life lessons is through stories. Often told and re-told by the elders in the family. These stories often address social as well as moral dilemmas. In one of the stories a child asks his grandmother - my friends have a lot of toys, while I hardly have any.

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hair transplant

What makes India a popular destination for Hair Transplant

Jan 15 2020 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

India is a land of wonders. A destination that enthrals its visitors by the variety it has to offer. People of all ages and races have something or the other to look for in India. Be it food, language, culture, traditions, literature, spirituality

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hair transplant

When will genetic baldness start showing?

Jan 13 2020 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Genetic baldness, hereditary-pattern baldness, or Androgenetic Alopecia is a common phenomenon. Millions across the world are affected by it. Simply put: if your close family

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hair transplant

Top 10 myths that may scare you from hair transplant

Dec 06 2019 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Knowledge is power – it enables you to cut through the myths and make informed decisions. For those seeking hair transplant solutions – knowledge is key. This becomes all the more important because there are so many myths about hair transplants that are floating around, online as well as offline.

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hair transplant

How to hide baldness

Dec 04 2019 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Hair loss affects people in a variety of ways; first, there is the stress about looking older, unattractive, or becoming the butt of bald jokes, and secondly, there is the psychological impact of it all. There are also different ways individuals react to losing hair, or growing bald; while some find it mentally strenuous and may even feel depressed, others take it in their stride and not let it demoralise them, or hurt their self-confidence.

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hair transplant

Dangers of a cheap hair transplant

Nov 20 2019 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

One of the best things about modern hair transplant procedures is that they are so affordable. Till a few years ago, it was only celebrities, sports stars, and the more privileged section of the society that had access to these procedures meaning they could afford to have their luscious hair longer and keep looking young. Whereas those who didn’t have that kind of money had to deal with their baldness and resign to their fate. It is no longer so.

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hair transplant

How to get the best quality hair transplant

Nov 18 2019 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Making decisions is never easy. The famous line from the Shakespearean play Hamlet sums up this dilemma quite beautifully - ‘to be or not to be, that is the question’. And we confront different dilemmas on an everyday basis. From buying clothes, to choosing a restaurant, to planning a holiday,

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hair transplant

How new-age hair transplants help regain young days

Nov 09 2019 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

You are in your forties or fifties—successful and with a family. You get invited by your school for an alumni get together. A thrill takes over, you start reminiscing about the good old days of school

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hair transplant

Hair transplant cost in Delhi: Five things you pay for

Nov 02 2019 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

A lot of hair loss patients don’t opt for a hair restoration procedure because it is assumed that it is a very expensive procedure, meant for the uber rich ,celebrities or sports stars.

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hair transplant

Things to know before planning your hair transplant in winter

October 22 2019 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

People planning a hair transplant fuss over the smallest of details, and rightly so. After all it matters to their appearance, and hair is an important part

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hair transplant safety

Top hair transplant safety measures to follow

October 18 2019 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Hair transplant, which is the only permanent solution available for hair loss and baldness, is giving hope and a new lease of life to those suffering from pattern baldness.

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Second hair transplant

Second hair transplant: why, when and how?

October 16 2019 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

The fact that hair transplants are the best and only permanent solution to hair loss is widely known and acknowledged. And usually one procedure is enough for patients to get satisfactory results.

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hair transplant teenagers

Hair transplant for teenagers: Is it safe?

October 12 2019 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Teenage is usually not associated with hair loss, it is seen as more of an older people problem. Teens usually see a spurt of hair growth on their body as puberty sets in.

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hair transplant tips

Common Hair Transplant mistakes to be avoided

October 09 2019 | By Dr. Satinder Singh & Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Hair transplant generally is thought to be a simple procedure where the hair follicles are harvested and transferred to the other area which has the hair loss.

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hair transplant tips

Getting ready for hair transplant surgery: the essential tips to follow?

September 15, 2019 | By Dr. Satinder Singh & Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Let's talk about how you should prepare for the transplant, and why preparations are important.

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hair transplant rejection

Confused about why I got rejected for hair transplant?

September 01, 2019 | By Dr. Satinder Singh & Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

With the modern-day hair transplant surgery, person with baldness thinks of getting a head full of hair as these procedures are excellent in providing natural hairs in the region of baldness.

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best hair transplant results

How Best Hair Transplant Results Depend on 'You' During Recovery?

August 25, 2019 | By Dr. Satinder Singh & Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

The success of a hair transplant procedure depends on various factors like the quality and availability of donor hair, the expertise of the surgeon.

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skills of hair transplant

What are the complications that may arise after a hair transplant surgery?

August 15, 2019 | By Dr. Satinder Singh & Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Know about the risks and complications that may arise after hair transplant surgery from Dr. Sangay Bhutia.

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Stress may affect resu of hair transplant

Stress May Affect Success Ratio Of Hair Transplant

July 24, 2019 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Modern living has many perks—technological innovation, connectivity, and the availability of solutions to most problems known to humans. However there are cons as well—pollution

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lost youth with hair transplant

Regain Your Lost Youth With a Hair Transplant

July 10, 2019 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Hair loss or baldness can make people appear a lot older than they are. The effect of hair loss on how old a person looks is, in fact, more than that of grey hair.

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skills of hair transplant

How to Maintain a Healthy Scalp for Optimal Hair Growth After Hair Transplant

June 26, 2019 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Ask any good surgeon and they will tell you how crucial post-operative care is for regrowth after a hair transplant procedure.

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skills of hair transplant

How do the skills and quality of hair transplant technicians matter?

May 23, 2019 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Hair transplant procedures are giving hope and a new lease of life to millions of men facing permanent hair loss.

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covering new hair transplant

Covering newly transplanted hair

May 13, 2019 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

One of the best things about modern hair restoration procedures is that they don’t take long to heal and you can get back to work and normal life soon after. Patients are usually discharged from the hospital the same day.

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healing after fue

Faster healing after FUE Transplant

April 28, 2019 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Over the years, Follicular Unit transplantation or (FUE) has changed millions of lives. It is perhaps the best thing that has happened to people suffering from Androgenic Alopecia or Male Pattern Baldness.

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FUE preferrable for transplant

Why is FUE the preferable technique for hair transplant?

April 18, 2019 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Hair loss is a natural aging process - almost everybody experiences it. However, if you are losing hair prematurely – say in your late twenties or early thirties then it is indeed a cause of concern.

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Hair transplant permanent

Will my hair transplant be permanent?

March 31, 2019 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Hair loss is a natural aging process - almost everybody experiences it. However, if you are losing hair prematurely – say in your late twenties or early thirties then it is indeed a cause of concern.

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Dr. Sangay Bhutia attended the 26th World Congress of ISHRS in Hollywood

Feb 28, 2019 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Renowned hair transplant surgeon Dr Sangay Bhutia, who is an active member of International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS), attended the 26th World Congress

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Hair density

Importance of hair density in hair transplantation

January 02, 2019 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

You have perhaps made up your mind to undergo a hair transplant procedure. You realise that it is the only permanent solution. Of course you are anxious and there are a lot of questions you want addressed.

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surgery vs medication

Hair transplant surgery vs. medication

December 19, 2018 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Do you always know what’s good for you? Sometimes for sure, but always? What do you think - would you be able to take an informed and objective decision in matters that concern your emotions?

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young and balding

How to help patchy beard growth

November 29, 2018 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

It’s no shave November and you want to be among those who flaunt their beard during winters and carry the ‘manly look’. Moreover, hipsters with a beard are the ‘in thing’ and you want to be in sync with the times.

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young and balding

Young and Balding: What are the best options you have ?

November 13, 2018 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Growing up, you would have never thought that balding will be a concern so early in life. It’s one of those things that happen to the elderly.

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transform your appearance

Hair transplant can transform your appearance

October 22, 2018 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Call it vanity, but sometimes to fit into certain roles, you need to look the part. Let’s say, you are a marketing person or a real estate guy who is meeting demanding clients everyday.

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Donor area

The right time for a hair transplant

October 19, 2018 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Come to think of it, undergoing a hair transplant is a very crucial decision. It has a direct effect on how we look, how people perceive us, how we perceive ourselves, and evenhow we measure our self worth in terms of beauty and youth.

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Donor area

Wound care for donor area in hair transplant

October 12, 2018 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

A lot of people considering hair transplant are discouraged by potential wounds and scarring. And their concern is not ill founded. After all, there is no such thing as a ‘scar-less’ surgery. However, modern techniques of hair transplant are minimally invasive and don’t leave a lot of scars.

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Folliculitis after hair transplant

Sep 19, 2018 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

A common skin condition, Folliculitis is inflammation of skin caused by fungal or bacterial infection. It happens when hair follicles get blocked, are rubbed or catch an infection causing redness and bumps around them.

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Cheap Hair Transplant

Hair transplant: Are cheap clinics a good idea

August 27, 2018 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Type ‘hair transplant clinics’ on Google search, and you will see hundreds and thousands of them offering all kinds of procedures pop up. Needless to say, hair transplant procedures are easily available, and many people are benefitting from these everyday.

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Successful Hair Transplant

Roadmap for a successful hair transplant surgery

August 11, 2018 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

What makes a surgery successful? An experienced doctor, a good hospital, and scrupulously following pre and post-operative care instructions. It is the same with hair transplant surgeries.

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Concealing Hair Transplant

How to conceal hair transplant surgery

July 11, 2018 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Hair transplant is the best way to regain lost hair and lost self-confidence. But it can be hard to be discreet about it and get it done without people noticing.

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Pitfalls Hair Transplant

Pitfalls to Avoid When Planning a Hair Transplant in Delhi

July 04, 2018 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Delhi has emerged as a hub for hair transplant both for Indians and foreign patients. Gone are the days when the idea of getting a medical procedure in a developing country was frowned upon.

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Trichotillomania: can hair transplant help

August 11, 2018 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Trichotillomania is a “hair-pulling” disorder characterised by an irresistible or overwhelming urge to pull out hair from your scalp, beard, eyebrows or other parts of your body.

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Ethnicity and Hair Transplant

Feb 06, 2018 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

The world is made up of people of striking physical differences. Our hair, skin, and our general physical appearance are identifiably different from others. The way we look has a lot to do with where we originated.

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Prague Event

Dr. Sangay Bhutia attended the 25th Silver Jubilee World Congress of ISHRS in Prague

October 20, 2017 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Dr. Sangay Bhutia, an active member of International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS), recently attended the 25th Silver Jubilee World Congress of ISHRS held in Prague, Capital of Czech Republic during 4th to 7th October 2017.

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Hair Transplant Scars

Hair transplant: Surgery scars and ways to deal with them

August 11, 2018 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Sometimes the fear of scarring is enough to keep people from getting a hair transplant; even those who are sure of getting it, are anxious about the scars. Given the advertising and marketing clout of transplant clinics, hair transplant procedures are often advertised as no-scar procedures.

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Hair Transplant Grafts

Hair transplant: How many grafts do I need?

August 30, 2017 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Hair transplant has gained popularity in recent years and now more and more peoples are opting for this modality of treatment which gives natural look and permanent results provided it is done by an experienced surgeon and done on a good candidate.

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Hair Transplant Mistakes

Common Mistakes While Choosing A Hair Transplant Specialist

July 20, 2017 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Hair transplant is a blessing of modern medicine. But one wrong step and it can become a catastrophe. While a number of people suffering hair loss are thrilled by the possibility of having hair back on their heads, there are others who are deterred by the horror stories.

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Hair Transplant Recovery

Hair transplant – The recovery timeline

July 14, 2017 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Modern innovative methods of hair transplant like FUE or Follicular Unit Extraction, commonly used to remedy male pattern baldness are minimally invasive. They ensure that your scalp and hair look as natural as possible.

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Good Clinic for Hair Transplant

Looking for hair transplant? How to choose a good surgeon/clinic?

June 12, 2017 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Hair transplant has gained good popularity in terms of the permanent treatment for hair loss/ baldness. Many factors are responsible for this credibility of the procedure. It provides the natural looking result and when done by experienced hands, it is very difficult to tell that whether the procedure is done.

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Hair Style

Hair Care & Styling after Hair Transplant

May 11, 2017 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

When one goes for hair loss treatment, one of the aspects in mind is to get back the look and to improve the personality. Everyone wants to play around with hairstyles and hair styling is the ultimate stage which one wants to have after the hair transplant.

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Hairline Designing

Hair Transplant: What you should know about hairline

April 29, 2017 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Hair and appearance of a person go hand in hand as it forms a prominent feature in one's physical appearance and more so in facial profile. Hair loss in men generally starts as a recession of hairline in the frontal and temporal region. This is the first thing which one notices.

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Hair Transplant Consultation

What to expect in a Hair Transplant Consultation

March 26, 2017 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Consultation is an integral and one of the most important parts in any process. This not only gives you information regarding the process but also helps the physician to reach a diagnosis if possible and also provide optimal management option.

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Some Commonly Asked Questions About PRP

March 16, 2017 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

PRP is platelet rich plasma is an in-office, non-surgical, autologous treatment for hair regrowth done using patients own blood so that the chances of any allergy is almost negligible.

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Natural hair transplant

What makes hair transplant undetectable and natural

March 09, 2017 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

In hair transplant, one always wants that the result should look natural and one of the desires of patients is that it should not look obvious..

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Affordable hair transplant

Affordable FUE Hair Transplant

Feb 24, 2017 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Nowadays with the latest advancements in the technology and medical science, we have a treatment for almost all major diseases or disorders.

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hair transplant

Hair Transplant in Delhi

Feb 21, 2017 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

India is emerging as one of the preferred healthcare destination for medical treatment all over the globe. Delhi has been a national capital of the country since the time of Mughal Emperor..

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hereditaey hair loss

Hereditary Hair Loss

Feb 11, 2017 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Hereditary hair loss also called androgenetic alopecia is a condition where hair follicles which are genetically predisposed to hair loss by effect of DHT gets replaced by short, thinner hair..

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comfortable hair transplant

Be Ready for a Comfortable Hair Transplant Journey with Hair & Senses

Feb 06, 2017 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Hair transplant is a less invasive surgical method of transplanting the hairs from donor area to the bald area.It is a surgical procedure thus there are many notions about the surgery and its outcome.

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anxiety in hair transplant

Fighting with the Anxiety before Hair Transplant

Feb 1, 2017 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Anxiety is a common phenomenon which happens due to a feeling of worry, or nervousness regarding certain situation leading to an uncertain outcome. This usually affects one’s behavior toward a condition.

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Scarring after Hair Transplant

Hair Transplant and Scarring

Jan 11, 2017 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Hair transplant is a well-known surgical method of transplanting the hairs from one area of the body or scalp to the other. Hair transplant surgery is done on the scalp to regain the natural looking hairs.

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Shedding after Hair Transplant

Shedding Before and after a Hair Transplant

Dec 22, 2016 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

We lose about 50 to 100 hairs in a day as a normal shedding process. Shedding is a natural process that happens during the hair cycle. When the human body sheds more than the normal amount of hairs on regular basis then this stage may lead to baldness.

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Washing Scalp after Hair Transplant

Significance of Washing the Scalp after a Hair Transplant

Dec 13, 2016 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Hair transplant is now very popular among every age group suffering from hair loss problems. Being a surgical procedure, you are always advised to follow certain instructions before and after the hair transplant for obtaining desired results.

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Hair Transplant Candidate

Who Is A Good Candidate For Hair Transplant?

Nov 06, 2016 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Hair transplant is a cosmetic procedure and in general any one can undergo this procedure, but there are certain factors which one should follow as a criteria so that the desired result is achieved.

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Medical Tourism in India

Hair Transplantation Boosting Medical Tourism in India

Nov 02, 2016 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

With the consistent advancement in the medical science and technologies, India has become one of the favorable destinations for medical tourism. India is the heritage land of divine culture, beauty, serenity, great sears and saints.

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FUE Hair Transplant

Is FUE Hair Transplant a preferred method?

October 25, 2016 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Hair Transplant as everyone knows is considered as one of the permanent techniques to regain hairs. Hair Transplant is very popular in men suffering from male pattern baldness. Every surgical process has its own pros and cons.

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Hair Transplant in Delhi

Hair Transplant in Delhi - Choosing the best affordable clinic

October 13, 2016 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

In the past few years, India has emerged to be the leading medical tourism destination for hair loss treatment. Lots of people come to India for their hair loss treatment. You can find numerous hair transplant clinic in India.

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Hair Transplant Solution

Hair Transplant - Is it a permanent solution to hair loss?

October 10, 2016 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Nowadays almost every age group people suffer from hair loss. One can opt for various treatment solutions as suggested by the doctor. It may be tough to decide among the surgical and non-surgical hair restoration procedures. As both having their own significances.

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Hair Transplant Surgery

Why Should I Choose Hair & Senses for Hair Transplant Procedure?

October 08, 2016 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Hair & Senses – Hair Transplant Clinic based out of Delhi, is specialized in the treatment of male and female pattern hair loss. Dr. Sangay Bhutia, a qualified professional from NRS Medical College, Kolkatta, and active member of International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS)

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Effective Hair Transplant

Hair Transplant: Effective solution to hair loss

October 05, 2016 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Hair loss has always been haunting both men and women as no one wants to imagine hair disappearing from head. This not only deteriorates the appearance but also the self-esteem.

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Hair Transplant Painful

Hair Transplant Surgery: Is it painful?

August 23, 2016 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Hair transplant is a surgical procedure and as with any surgical procedure some amount of discomfort is bound to happen. It is the duty of the transplant surgeon to make the procedure as comfortable and pain free as possible.

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Hair Growth after Hair Transplant

When to expect hair growth after hair transplant?

March 14, 2016 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Hair growth after hair transplant is a process and one should understand that it is not a procedure which is today done will yield the growth from the next day. The full process including all the post procedure events should be discussed beforehand.

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FUE Hair Transplant

FUE Hair Transplant: The Complete Process

Feb 19, 2016 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

As with any surgical process, with hair transplant also certain protocols have to be followed and every step in the procedure has its own importance and significance.

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Care after hair transplant

Care after hair transplant

Feb 10, 2016 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

The care and instructions after the procedure are important part of the surgical management as this may affect the result like plantation of tree is one step and the care afterwards is necessary so that necessary growth of the tree can occur.

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Graft extraction in hair transplant

Graft Extraction and placement in hair transplant

May 16, 2015 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Graft the term suggest the unit or area of the tissue containing one or more hair, which is removed from the permanent hair bearing area and transplanted into the recipient site. Before one goes in for hair transplant, proper assessment should be done which includes the clinical history and examination.

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