How to Style Your Eyebrows After a Transplant?

Sept 11, 2020 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Doctor in Delhi, NCR, India)

Eyebrow hair transplant not only restores the eyebrow depending on the area but it is also used to make the eyebrows thing that has to be kept in mind is that one may have to take care of brow hairs more like one may need more trimming. This is because the donor grafts are generally taken from the scalp region so after transplant these hairs grow as like scalp hair.

Growth of eyebrow hair is not immediate as in all hair transplant procedures. There will be scab formation which clears in few days and also the shedding phase as in all hair transplant procedure. After this phase is over hairs start to grow again.

Styling or grooming the eyebrow is just like you care for the natural eyebrows. Only thing different is you may require time to time trimming of the hairs. Otherwise as with natural eyebrows one can use eyebrow comb, one can use eyebrow pencil if needed and one can style as one do with the natural eyebrow. Plucking one or two stray hair is not a problem but one should be careful not to over pluck as it may jeopardize the results of the procedure.

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