Yoga to fight hair loss

July 13, 2018 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

yoga for hair loss

Yoga is good for the body and the mind, in fact its many benefits are well-documented and well-known. It is one of the best ways to maintain both physical and mental health. The best thing about yoga is that it can be done by anyone despite their age or body type, and all they need is a good yoga mat. One of the things that is not often talked about is the role that yoga can play in maintaining a healthy mane and fighting hair loss.

Hair loss is caused by a variety of factors, the most common being androgenic alopecia, but it can be caused by hormonal imbalances, insufficient nutrition, or severe illness as well. The other reasons for hair loss are smoking, pollution, crash dieting and stress.

So, how does yoga help with hair loss? Here’s the answer: first there are certain yoga asanas or positions that boost blood circulation to all parts of the body including the scalp. Better blood circulation means that proper nutrition reaches the hair follicles and helps hair grow. Secondly, yoga can help fight stress, anxiety, hypertension, or even depression, which are all causes of hair fall.

Stress-related hair loss is extremely common. Stress hormones — Epinephrine and Cortisol — hurt natural hair growth. Stress, which can be triggered by factors like work pressure, financial worries, social or relationship issues, is harmful for our general well-being, and it can also wreak havoc on our hair. Yoga is known to help fighting stress, which means it can fight the root cause of hair loss.

Yoga can help both prevent and fight hair loss.

Here are some asanas that can help in fighting hair loss and even boost regrowth of hair.

Anuloma Viloma
Anuloma Viloma
Anuloma Viloma or 'alternate nostril breathing' involves sitting with your legs folded and eyes closed. It is done by placing your thumb on one nostril while the index finger is folded. The ring finger is kept straight so it can be used to hold the other nostril. The open nostril is used to inhale, and then closed with the index finger, after which you exhale. The process is then repeated by inhaling through the open nostril. This asana done every day for a few minutes helps in fighting anxiety and stress, which are causes behind hair loss.

Adho Mukha Savasana
Adho Mukha Savasana
This yoga position invigorates blood circulation to the head and therefore the hair follicles, helping hair growth. It can be easily done by putting your hands, knees and feet on the ground. After which you can straighten your legs by pushing your hips out and standing on your toes. Then you have to push the floor with your palms and straighten your spine. Now, pull your hips down slowly and come back to the starting position. It can be repeated several times in a set.

Surya Namaskar
Surya Namaskar
Surya Namaskar is a set of twelve yoga poses, which many people do as cardio. It is known to improve blood circulation as well, and in effect it is great for people suffering hair loss.

Sirsasana or the headstand is a difficult yoga pose, but can be mastered with consistent practice. This has to be first done with the help of an instructor as it involves balancing the entire body weight on the muscles of the hand, neck and shoulders. Regular practice of Sirsasana is known to help building focus, relieving stress and stimulating the blood flow.

For Kandharasana you have to lie on your back, bend your knees and touch your hips with your heels. After that, hold your ankles with your hands and raise the hips and waist up as much as possible. Your head, shoulders and feet should touch the floor.

Hold the pose for a few seconds, and then return to normal procedure by reversing the whole process slowly. This asana also enhances blood supply.

For this asana, stand straight with your feet close to each other. Lift your hands and bend forward and touch the floor or your heels, while exhaling. You have to hold the position for a few seconds, and then come back to your normal posture. This can be repeated a few times as well. This asana helps in fighting fatigue and stress, and increases the blood supply to your scalp.

These are a few examples of yoga poses that help in maintaining healthy hair and fighting hair loss. Although these have to be done over a period of time for them to have any real effect. The one thing to remember for beginners is to find a good instructor, and see a doctor before you start. Certain yoga poses might not be suited for people suffering back, neck or joint pain, or spondylitis.

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