Hair Transplant and Scarring
Jan 11, 2017 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Specialist in Delhi)

Hair transplant is a well-known surgical method of transplanting the hairs from one area of the body or scalp to the other. Hair transplant surgery is done on the scalp to regain the natural looking hairs.
Scar is the mark left on your skin after the healing of the injury or surgery.
Do hair transplants leave scars?
This is very common question that comes into play when someone plans to undergo surgical hair restoration at their own. This is because being a cosmetic procedure the notion is that it should enhance the appearance and the personality without leaving any scar. However, as with any surgery the scarring also happens in hair transplant. The visibility and the extent of scarring depend on the experience & skill of the surgeon and the technique used for the procedure. At our Centre we thrive to ensure the natural looking result with minimal or no scarring as all the intricate details of each and every step is taken care of.
Scarring after FUE Hair Transplant
FUE is follicular unit extraction hair transplant which involve extraction of the individual hair follicles from the donor area and transplanting the same to the bald area. Usually, this technique of hair transplant leaves no visible scar in the donor area. Using FUE, one may notice very small sized dots scars from where the follicles removed. Being very small in size, these scars are undetectable.
Scarring after FUT Hair Transplant
FUT involves extraction of the strip containing the hair follicles from donor area and transplanting the individual follicular units to the recipient area. In this, one may notice a linear scar in the donor area from where the strip is removed. At our Centre we take care of the wound closure in great detail like wounds are closed without undue stretching and tension on the stitch site and use techniques like trichophytic closure to ensure minimally visible scar or no scar.
Scarring can cause cosmetic problem
If the hair transplant done on the healthy scalp, then the result will be permanent and long term. If the surgery done improperly or may be when a patient is a poor healer like patient has tendency of having keloids and hypertrophied scars, in this case the scarring may be increase causing cosmetic problem. This may happen due to stretched or thickened donor scar.
Scarring in the recipient area can be minimized by keeping the holes (during transplantation of the grafts) very small ideally, less than 1 mm. So that, no visible scar will be left on the scalp.
Depending on the hair transplant procedure, scarring is basically the part of the surgery that will appear either on the donor area or recipient area or both. The surgeon can takes proper care while doing the procedure so as to ensure minimal scarring and leaving no visible marks on the scalp.
At Hair & Senses, which is a proficient clinic located in Delhi, you don't need to worry about the scarring signs as the surgeon take all necessary precautions while doing the surgery so as to minimize the sign of the scar on the scalp.