How to handle the graft follicles to avoid damage?

July 08, 2020 | By Dr. Sangay Bhutia (Hair Transplant Doctor in Delhi, NCR, India)

The actual result of hair transplant depends on many factors and one being the survival and growth of the hair follicles which are harvested during the procedure. The follicles are delicately handled to avoid their rough handling. While harvesting one should be careful about the directions to avoid undue transection of the follicles. The handling should be proper as one should not damage the follicle so better not to grasp the root. The follicles should not dehydrate and desiccate while outside the body so one should be very careful. At our clinic we take extra precautions so as implant the graft as soon as it is extracted so as to keep the graft outside the body for a minimum amount of time. These some of the common points out of many more to keep in mind while handling and extracting the graft.

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